Yoga in the Time of Chaos

Like many of you, I have been huddling with friends and family, trying to make sense of the world right now, reflecting on what it means to navigate the terrible chaos while staying connected to our purpose and individual roles. It's hard to do when the news is terrifying, enraging and heartbreaking. From political upheaval and the rise of fascist ideologies to economic crises and societal shifts, there is so much happening all around us. Social justice, gender rights and climate protections are all on the chopping block with this new administration and especially with yesterday's blitzkrieg.  

Like many of you, I have family and friends who received that email late yesterday.

What is right action? How do we respond in a way that aligns with yogic principles? In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the cornerstone of practice involves Ahimsa, or non-harming—acting with integrity and living true. 

My intention is that the studio be an active haven, a place to be with ourselves and each other—a place to strengthen community as well as collective and individual resolve. Yoga can help steer us through this mess. I have to believe this because right now, it is what I have to offer and without my own practice and the practice of planning classes and running a studio, I would be even more despairing.  The practice of “right livelihood” is not simply about being healthy, taking asana classes and sitting for meditation. If we ignore what is going on around us, we fall into avidya—not knowing, not seeing and not caring. I believe most people do care, that they are compassionate and love the natural world that is now so vulnerable to ruin. 

I sometimes feel paralyzed with powerlessness, rage and depression. But I think it's important to remember that anger itself is powerful energy. If we whitewash reality with an "only rainbows and unicorns" message of toxic positivity, that too is Avidya. If we can channel “right anger” into action then we can stand up for what is fair and what is true.

It starts with paying attention, taking time for reflection, and sharing with others in our communities. Now more than ever we need to be calling out the forces of greed, deceit, and intolerance that are gaining traction around us. 

The only path I can see is to hold to our truth, speak out against what is unjust, and practice in support of all living beings.

With love,




Magnificent Grief